Very few people actually have dandruff. It is more often than not just flaking due to a very dry scalp.
Causes of dandruff:
- If the flaking is not treated it can become dandruff, meaning being left to sit on the scalp and becoming infected
- It tends to become worse during Autumn and Winter due to indoor heating which drys out the skin
- Using the wrong shampoo
- Not rinsing your hair completely
- Health issues
Symptoms can be: itching, flaking, redness &/or scaling on the hair or shoulders.
If your hair is fine, limp & oily, you can still have a flake problem it just needs to be treated differently.
De Lorenzo Tricho series has a range for dry and oily hair/scalp.
De Lorenzo Tricho Scalp Balance for dry.
De Lorenzo Tricho Scalp Control for oily.